Friday 25 November 2011

My Film Idea- first draft

Genre Of Film: Horror

Age Rating: 12

Location: Cottage, Scary Forest

Characters:  Mad Man, Old Lady, 3 Women, 4 Men

Plot: 7 People Go on a holiday and they find a little cottage and go in they stay there for 3 days and was wondering who used to live here and go and look around, when they do they find a room full of news papers about killing and killers. They try to run but 4 of they got caught and got torchered they one escapes and try's to leave but get caught and get killed in front of her friends  then the 3 friend's came back for them and knock him out and then they get every one out bu then he woke up and chased them and killed 5 of them leaving one of them, then he plans revenge and goes back and kills him. 

Name Of The Film: The Psycho

Why People Would Like It: If they like scary films

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