Friday 7 October 2011

How can you tell who the target audience is? (age, gender, interests etc)
 Its for women who want to lose weight (before there wedding in this picture)
 The age would be anywhere from 20-40

What is the “unique selling point” of the product making you DESIRE this product (ie why should you buy THIS product)
The quote at the bottom ‘ Need to lose a little weight before your wedding’
Its trying to say your okay at what size you are but if you want to lose some weight use slim fast 

Why would an audience like this advert or be "interested" by it?
It could help you lose the weight you want to lose

What do the colours in the advert signify? (about the product, company or audience)
Yellow for fat (butter is yellow and fat) and falling through the wedding cake means she is overweight also she wants to lose weight

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