Tuesday 11 October 2011

Adverts for Mac Book Air

This Advert Is On The Mac Book Air, I Like how thin the laptop is and the text is in a nice thin and sliver font and how the apple logo is shinny.The unique selling point is the apple notebook will be the best they have made and that it is better than any other laptop.

 This advert is also on the mac book air and with this advert they have compered there ,ac book air with a paper notepad  and as you can see  there mac book air is thinner that a notepad.The unique selling point is that the mac book is very thin and will be able to fit into your bag like a notepad.

This advert was on a dell netbook it is a very basic advert but I think lots of people would like this because it is mall but still has the features that a normal laptop would have. The unique selling point is that it is very small but will still but will still be able to perform like or better that a laptop.

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