Tuesday 20 September 2011

Black People In The Media


Black people are getting blamed for most things in the media. They had a lot of stereotype's like: 

  • Black people love chicken 
  • Never Work
  • Loots Lots of Stuff
  • Drop-Outs
  • Leaving Babys 
  • Guns,Knifes,Weed 


In 'Everybody Hates Chris' Chris is bullied for being black.In This TV series Chris is in the time where black people would get blamed for everything that happening's.His mother makes him go to a all white school for a better education, She is stereotyping all white teenagers are smart.


In of Mice And Men Crooks is seen as less of a man to all the others because he is black and has to have his own room just because he is black but he is a very intelligent man he is one of the smartest men on the ranch and just because he is black he is seen as a dumb man, He is only still on the ranch because he got injured by getting kicked in the back by a horse.

KiDULTHOOD is a typical film about gangs and black youths, this film shows the negatives about black teens. This film includes stabbing, gun, knife's, fighting and mugging. 
In one part of the film 2 black youths and 1 white youth walk in to a shop and have a look around and as they are leaving they get stop for taking a hat just because he was black and he didn't take anything. He got stereotyped because he was black. 


Half of young black people unemployed, says report

That head line was from a BBC report and i have found it very unfair because they don't talk about   how white people don't have jobs. It is a very stereotypical.  The left-leaning Institute for Public Policy Research said a survey of 7,200 young people showed a wide variation in unemployment by ethnic group.

Blaming young black men for rising gun crime would be a "mistake'', a Home Office minister said yesterday. This headline stands out because its the only headline not 'Bad Mouthing' Black youths, But some of the shootings over the year have been black people but it doesn't mean you should blamed them for all crimes that have been done.


I think black people are always getting slagged off by everyone, the media, tv, radio and most people who see them. The stereotype  


  1. Conna some of this work is very good quality. You have used some excellent examples and pictures to back up your points. You clearly show understanding of representation. It is a shame you haven't finished your conclusion and to improve next time I would suggest making sure all tasks are finished, and try increasing your font size as it is a little hard to read.

    REPRESENTATION = 14/20 = B
